January 15, 2010 Annular Eclipse
Weather statistics:  85-95% chance of clear skies

Eclipse Location:  Bagan, Burma (Myanmar) 
21° 10' N, 94° 53' E
Duration at eclipse location: 7min 52sec
Local time of Maximum Eclipse:  3:06pm

Jay Anderson's eclipse weather report about Burma: 

"Mandalay, in the Burma lowlands along the Irrawaddy River and south of the central line, offers more than 80 percent of the sunshine amount possible on a January day. The average cloud amount is a miniscule 15% — equal to the Sahara on its best days. January rainfall, though not completely absent, is only a few millimeters. Satellite observations of cloud cover place the area around Mandalay among the sunniest parts of the globe in January. "

11 day land tour:  $2020 pp
(Includes internal airfare
Single Suppliment:  $395 pp additional

UT times Alt Az
Rise: 1/15 00:20 112
C1: 1/15 06:51:38 45.1 200.6
C2: 1/15 08:32:25 32.0 225.8
Max: 1/15 08:36:22 31.3 226.5
C3: 1/15 08:40:17 30.7 227.2
C4: 1/15 10:03:07 15.1 239.7
Set: 1/15 11:19 248
Local is UT+6.5
Rise: 1/15 06:50 112
C1: 1/15 13:21:38 45.1 200.6
C2: 1/15 15:02:25 32.0 225.8
Max: 1/15 15:06:22 31.3 226.5
C3: 1/15 15:10:17 30.7 227.2
C4: 1/15 16:33:07 15.1 239.7
Set: 1/15 17:49 248